Baoli Mansion Mittapheap, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh

  • Baoli Mansion Mittapheap

Property ID : 69155

Buy $155,694 - Condo
47 240 Garages 4100 Views
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Baoli (Cambodia) Real Estate Co., Ltd., a major Chinese property developer, has brought to the market a new residential development project called Baoli Mansion. Baoli Mansion is a luxurious and comfortable project in a prime commercial and educational location in close proximity to the government institutions including the Prime Minister’s office, the Ministry of National Defense, the Royal University of Phnom Penh, Singapore International School, Orrusey local market, and Sorya Shopping centre. The development has great accessibilities benefiting from Russian Federation Boulevard, the main thoroughfare connects the city to Phnom Penh International Airport and Sihanoukville International Seaport.
Baoli Mansion delivers luxurious residential units of suitable one-bedroom sizes range from 45 to 55 square metres. The development also provides a wide range of amenities and facilities such as parking lots, housekeeping services, a private club, gymnastic room, bar, and rooftop city view. The developer’s of development provides extra services to the buyers such as tax, real estate leasing, and financial payment plan.

Why we chose this project

1. Prime location
2. The project is 90% upon the completion in 2020
3. 8% guaranteed rental return each year for two years
4. Attractive price.

保利公馆地理位置优越,项目周边政商云集。2公里半径范围内汇集总理府、国防部、新闻 部、工业部、ANZ银行、安达银行、加华银行、中国银行等顶级政商部门。

名校荟萃:3公里半径范围内金边皇家大学、经济大学、 健康科技大学、新加坡国际学校、智慧大学环绕四周。 商圈环绕:中央市场、乌亚西市场、苏利亚超市、百盛商 场等大型商业环绕,尽享城心醇熟配套。

保利公馆匠心打造6米挑高入户大堂, 尺度间彰显豪宅风范,出入间尽享名流人生, 五星级酒店式奢豪精装,礼遇每一次的归家荣耀。 保利公馆打造顶级私家会所,咖啡厅、健身房、餐厅、酒店、酒吧一应俱全。 为金边名流阶层带来世界级别的尊贵享受。

每个单位建筑面积约47—57㎡。小空间大格局,得房率76%,远超周边高层标准。 户型方正大气,格局明朗,视野开阔,城市繁华尽收眼底。 动静分区、功能完备,人性化设计,尽享生活乐趣。全精装舒适空间,拎包入住,宜商宜居。

尊配鼎级海外管家,提供房产租赁、日常 托管、金融缴纳、税法咨询等一站式房屋 管理及管家服务,更可根据客户需求提供 定制服务,成就您的财富收割永动机。


· 包租两年,一年收益百分之八 (公寓)

· 包租10年 (酒店)

· 前五年每套房返8000美金

· 第6年至10年 ,运营利润的百分之70%归业主所有

· 5年底开发商可以加溢价20%回购


  • Unit Beds Min: 1
  • Unit Beds Max: 1
  • Unit Floor Area Min:47
  • Unit Floor Area Max:57
  • Expected Rental Rerturn:
  • Downpayment Ratio:40%
  • Sold Rate: 60%
  • Construction Progress: 90%
  • Greening Rate:


Additional Details

  • Location: Mittapheap
