Stueng Mean chey

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Yuetai — The Garden 粤泰逸园 | Villa Stueng Mean chey Meanchey

Yuetai --- The Garden 粤泰逸园 | Villa Stueng Mean chey Meanchey
$1,500 - Villa

【项目介绍】:项目伫立黄金中轴永盛路上,临机场商务圈,同时受传统中心生活圈辐射。项目整体规划有35㎡至110㎡酒店式公寓、写字楼、SOHO、YTMALL社区商业。打造集居住、办公、酒店、商业功能齐备的精装智能国际社区,成就都市新贵的生活梦想。 Project Introduction: The project is situated within the airport’s sphere of influence, just off Veng Sreng Blvd, a major road. It…

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