wholesale local market by GC Orussey

  • wholesale local market by GC Orussey front face
  • wholesale local market by GC Orussey front road
  • wholesale local market by GC Orussey Master Plan-02-01
  • wholesale local market by GC Orussey plan
  • wholesale local market by GC Orussey retail
  • wholesale local market by GC Orussey Rooftop

Property ID : GC Orussey

Buy $199 Per Month - Commercial
1 Garage 12233 Views
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Hurry up and take advantage of the best opportunity!
Are you looking for a good stall? Extend your business in a potential location.
GC Orussey market is a new and big wholesale local market which is located along the Russian Federation Blvd.
This location is very lively with crowds of people because of there is an increase a huge amount of borey and residents there, so it makes this location become a new developing reign with full of opportunity.
Pre-registration now to get a special price only for the first 100 stalls.
Monthly installments are as low as $199/month.
តើអ្នកកំពុងស្វែងរកតូបល្អមួយមែនទេ? ពង្រីកអាជីវកម្មរបស់លោកអ្នកក្នុងតំបន់មានសក្តានុពលខ្ពស់។
ផ្សារជីស៊ីអូរឫស្សី គឺជាផ្សារបោះដុំក្នុងស្រុកថ្មី ធំមួយដែលមានទីតាំងស្ថិតនៅលើមហាវិថីសហព័ន្ធរុស្ស៊ី
ដែលជាទីប្រជុំជន សម្បូរទៅដោយមនុស្សអ៊ូអរ ពីព្រោះតែតំបន់នេះ
មានចំនួនកើនទ្បើងនៃ បុរី ផ្ទះ និងអាគារពាណិជ្ជកម្មជាច្រើន។
ដូច្នេះធ្វើឲ្យតំបន់នេះក្លាយជាតំបន់អភិវឌ្ឍន៍ដែលគួរឲ្យកត់សម្គាល់ ជាមួយនិងឱកាសមាសក្នុងការប្រកបអាជីវកម្ម។
រួសរាន់ចុះឈ្មោះទុកជាមុនឥទ្បូវនេះ ដើម្បីទទួលបានការបញ្ចុះតម្លៃពិសេសសម្រាប់100តូបដំបូង
